In Wisconsin, Workers Compensation Benefits are Only Recoverable When an Employee Suffers an Injury

In Wisconsin, Workers Compensation Benefits are Only Recoverable When an Employee Suffers an Injury

To recover workers’ compensation benefits in Wisconsin, a worker must have suffered an “injury.”  An injury can be either physical or mental harm caused by an accident.  An Accidental/Physical Injury causing harm is like when a trip or fall causes a broken bone.  An accidental injury can also aggravate or accelerate a pre-existing condition or ailment beyond its normal progression, such as an aging sore back that is worsened by heavy lifting.  Another type of injury is Occupational Disease which is physical or mental harm caused by occupational exposure.  Such is not sudden or traumatic or the result of a single incident.  An occupational disease is a process usually extending over a considerable period.  There can be a steady deterioration, swift or slow.  There can be improvements and relapse.  There can be recovery and reoccurrence.  For instance, a series of traumatic work-related back injuries can lead to an occupational disease.

So, to repeat, an accident can cause physical injury, described as either traumatic, occurring suddenly, or over some time.  

A Mental injury can result from a physical injury termed a Physical-Mental Injury.  A Mental injury can also occur due to some non-traumatic event occurring at work, termed a Mental-Mental Injury.  A mental injury can also aggravate a physical ailment or condition, termed a Mental-Physical Injury.

Confused?!  Don’t be…let’s back up and dissect the difference between an Accidental Injury and Occupational Disease.

An Accidental injury, occurring traumatically is recoverable if it is medically reasonable that the injury caused harm, such as a fall by a roofer from a ladder that resulted in a broken bone.  But what if the injury is not as dramatic as a fall?  Instead, the roofer hurts his back when he bends down to pick up a case of 75-pound shingles.  If the bending movement and weight is dramatic enough that it is medically probable that the motion aggravated the aging, low back beyond its normal progression or deterioration, then such injury will be recoverable for workers compensation benefits.  However, just a Wisconsin worker suffering an ache or pain at work is not enough to make it a recoverable injury. The ache or pain must be serious enough that it requires medical treatment.  Also, an injury that occurs at work must be related to the work, meaning a heart attack occurring at work where the worker was not under undue stress will be deemed nothing more than a coincidence for occurring at work and not recoverable for workers’ compensation benefits.

If you have suffered an accidental injury at work, you need to report it immediately to your supervisor, who is required to obtain the proper paperwork so that an Incident Report can be completed and given to the worker’s compensation insurance carrier.  Always get a copy of the Incident Report or take a picture of it on your phone.  Keep in mind that employers hate work injuries, and sometimes they like to ignore them or act like they never happened.  So, the injured worker must protect themself and help document the injury on their own too.  A good way to document a work injury is to:

  • Take pictures of the scene;
  • Take pictures of the body part involved if bruising, swelling or bleeding is evident;
  • Document the names and addresses of witnesses and try to commit them by a text or email message, getting them to discuss the injury and what they saw and did in response;
  • Try to record statements from co-workers and witnesses.  Get them talking and record their comments, observations, and responses on the voice app of your smartphone.  Keep in mind, that everybody is recording on their cell phones these days;
  • Have witness also complete Incident Reports and keep copies by taking a picture of it on your smartphone:
  • Keep a journal of the event. Answer the basic questions in detail Who (witnessed or came to your aid), What (a detailed description of what happened to you), Where (describe the area and conditions where the injury occurred), Why (try to recreate why the injury occurred), and When (date and time the injury occurred).

Seeking medical treatment as quickly as possible is another form of documenting the injury.  Make sure you describe to the medical staff that the injury occurred at work and how it happened in detail.

An injury that falls under Occupational Disease requires a process and cannot result from a single incident.  An example of an occupational disease is silicosis which can only be acquired as a result and an incident of working in an industry over an extended period.  When reporting a work injury as an occupational disease, it is sometimes difficult to determine the actual date of injury.  The first date of interrupted work with the employer whose employment caused the disability can be used, meaning that the first date of wage lost or the date that the employee steps away from his/her scheduled work duties to attend to the disease (i.e., a first medical appointment can be attributed as the date of the occupational disease).   When reporting an occupational disease to your employer and answering questions to the worker compensation insurance carrier, it is important to remember to include certain details in your description of the injury/disease:

  • Give a detailed and accurate description of the job duties performed;
  • Give specific descriptions of the duration, frequency, and repetitiveness of the specific offending job;
  • Try to locate an actual written job description that is true and accurate for the job you did;
  • Know the weight and height of items that you regularly push/pull/carry/lift;
  • Document your work environment/exposures with pictures, obtain the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for products that you are exposed to on the work site, and keep a journal of symptoms;
  • Seek specialized medical treatment for your symptoms;
  • Describe if your symptoms increase during employment or improve when off work.

Why are these details important?  An occupational disease is an injury resulting from the wear and tear of long-term employment activities, so such activity needs to be described to your medical providers to arm them with a strong basis of information upon which to rely on when supporting your injury as an occupational disease.  Judges want to know the intensity, frequency, and duration of the work you perform to determine if your condition is truly occupational.  Providing a written description of your work to your treating doctor to reference and have in your medical file gives credibility to your doctor’s opinion of work-relatedness because it shows that your doctor is fully aware of the job you performed.   Keep in mind that line supervisors will be called to testify at the hearing to minimize the activity of your job which caused your injury.  They will be coached to testify that their job was physically easy, that it did not involve repetitive movement, or that the lifting of weight was minimal.  So having a copy of the actual job description of your work is a great way to discredit such adverse witnesses.  If able, taking pictures of the specific details of your job, such as equipment, machinery, stations, sites, and conditions, will be helpful when telling your story, especially when describing it to your doctor and testifying at a hearing.

Still unsure what category of work injury you are suffering?  No worries, it’s complicated for sure.  Learn more when you call the Mays Law Office at (608)257-0440 for a free telephone consultation.  Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays knows the right questions to ask and prides herself on representing Wisconsin injured workers.

10 Myths about Filing for Workers’ Compensation in Wisconsin

10 Myths about Filing for Workers’ Compensation in Wisconsin

When you file for workers’ compensation in Wisconsin, it is up to you to make sure you receive the benefit you deserve. Your employer (or its insurance company) will fight your claim by all means available and will not hesitate to deny benefits if it has any grounds to do so.

As a result, when filing for workers’ compensation, you must make informed decisions. This means relying on accurate information and avoiding mistakes based on common myths about injured workers’ legal rights. Here is the truth behind 10 common myths about filing for workers’ compensation in Wisconsin:

Myth #1: Workers’ Compensation Covers You if You Are Unable to Work Due to an Injury

Truth: Workers’ compensation only covers injuries suffered in the “course of employment” for eligible employees.

One of the most common myths about workers’ compensation is that you can file a claim any time you suffer an injury that prevents you from working. While Social Security disability covers injured workers regardless of how they get hurt, workers’ compensation does not. To qualify for workers’ compensation, you must suffer your injury in the “course of employment,” and you must be an eligible employee under Wisconsin law.

Myth #2: You Must Be Doing Your Job When You Get Injured to File for Workers’ Compensation

Truth: “Course of employment” is not limited to performing your job duties.

While you must suffer your injury in the “course of employment” to qualify for workers’ compensation, this does not mean you need to do your job when you get injured. Eligible employees can also file claims for benefits when they slip on the way to the bathroom or suffer injuries in other job-related accidents.

Myth #3: Your Employer Can Tell You Where To Go for Treatment

Truth: In Wisconsin, injured workers have the right to choose their medical providers when they file for workers’ compensation.

Wisconsin law provides injured workers with the absolute right to choose their doctors when they get injured on the job. The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) explains, “An injured worker has the right to a first and second choice of doctors licensed to practice and practice in this state.” If your employer tries to tell you where to go for treatment, you should view this as a red flag and seek advice from a local workers’ compensation lawyer promptly.

Myth #4: You Will Automatically Receive Medical Benefits if You Get Injured on the Job

Truth: Workers’ compensation benefits are not automatic. You must file a valid claim on time and be prepared to fight for the benefits you deserve.

Workers’ compensation is a “no-fault” system in Wisconsin. This means eligible employees can obtain benefits without needing to prove the cause of their injuries (other than proving that they suffered their injuries in the “course of employment”).

However, this does not mean that you will receive medical benefits automatically. To make sure you receive these benefits, you should report your injury promptly and ensure your doctor accepts workers’ compensation insurance. As you move forward, you will need to work with your lawyer to ensure you receive the full benefits you deserve.

Myth #5: All Employees Receive the Same Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Truth: If you are eligible for workers’ compensation, your benefits will be calculated based on your medical needs, your wage or salary, and other relevant factors.

Not all employees are entitled to the same workers’ compensation benefits. To ensure you receive the full benefits you deserve, you will need to work with a lawyer who can help you obtain full medical coverage and accurately calculate your disability benefits based on the effects of your injury, your “average weekly wage,” and all other relevant factors.

Myth #6: You Aren’t Eligible for Workers’ Compensation if You Are Still Able To Work

Truth: Eligible employees can obtain medical benefits regardless of their ability to work, and partial disability benefits are available in many cases.

You do not have to be out of work to file for workers’ compensation in Wisconsin. At a minimum, you are entitled to medical benefits to cover the cost of your diagnosis and treatment. If you can only work in a limited capacity, you may also be entitled to partial disability benefits.

Myth #7: An “Independent Medical Examination” is Independent

Truth: “Independent medical examinations” are designed to help employers, and insurance companies prematurely terminate injured workers’ benefits.

After filing for workers’ compensation, your employer’s insurance company may ask you to submit an “independent medical examination.” Despite their name, these exams are not independent, and if you aren’t careful, you could lose the benefits you deserve.

Myth #8: If Your Employer Denies Benefits, Your Workers’ Comp Claim is Over

Truth: Wrongful workers’ compensation denials are common. If your employer denies your claim, you should speak with a lawyer about filing an appeal.

If your employer denies your workers’ compensation claim, you should not accept this as the outcome. Unfortunately, wrongful denials are common, and many injured workers find themselves needing to file an appeal.

Myth #9: You Don’t Need a Lawyer to File for Workers’ Compensation

Truth: While this is technically true, there are many reasons to put an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer on your side.

Although you have the option of trying to handle your workers’ compensation claim on your own, this is not your best option. There are many ways an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you.

Myth #10: Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Wisconsin is Expensive

Truth: Hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer costs nothing out of pocket and hiring an experienced lawyer can help maximize your take-home recovery.

When you seek legal representation for your workers’ compensation claim, an experienced lawyer will only take your case if the lawyer believes he or she can help maximize the amount you take home. You should not have to pay anything out of pocket and should not incur any legal fees unless your lawyer helps you collect benefits.

Request a Free Consultation with a Madison Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Do you need to know more about filing for workers’ compensation in Wisconsin? If so, we encourage you to contact us promptly. For a free and confidential consultation with an experienced Madison workers’ compensation lawyer, call 608-257-0440 or tell us how we can reach you online now.

When Should (and Shouldn’t) You Consider a Workers’ Compensation Settlement in Wisconsin?

When Should (and Shouldn’t) You Consider a Workers’ Compensation Settlement in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, employees who are eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits typically receive these benefits on a weekly basis. But, what if this doesn’t work for you? What if you need money up front to pay bills you couldn’t pay while you were waiting for your benefits to come through? What if you don’t want to worry about your employer (or its insurance company) terminating your benefits prematurely?

In these scenarios, it might make sense to try to negotiate a workers’ compensation settlement.

What is a Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

A workers’ compensation settlement is an agreement to resolve your claim for a specific amount—typically in one lump-sum payment. If you and your employer (or your employer’s insurance company) can agree on the amount you are rightfully owed, then you can enter into a settlement agreement that results in payment and termination of your claim.

While this might sound better—and can be better—than receiving weekly benefit checks, there is one critical factor to keep in mind: Once you accept a workers’ compensation settlement, you can’t go back and ask for more. Even if you discover later that your injury is worse than you thought, you will still have to live with the amount you accepted in your settlement.

Can You Get a Workers’ Compensation Settlement in Wisconsin?

Settling is an option in Wisconsin. If you have a workers’ compensation claim and it is in your best interests to settle, then you can attempt to negotiate a settlement with your employer (or its insurance company).

Note that we said you can “attempt” to negotiate a settlement. Even if you are clearly entitled to benefits, your employer (or its insurance company) is not obligated to enter into settlement negotiations. You can try to convince your employer (or its insurance company) that settling is best for everyone, but you shouldn’t expect it to listen—or make a reasonable settlement offer—unless you have an attorney on your side.

When Should You Consider a Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

So, should you consider a workers’ compensation settlement? As we recently discussed, settling too early can be disastrous, as it can leave you without the money you need to cover your medical bills, rent, utilities, and other expenses. Generally speaking, you should not consider accepting a workers’ compensation settlement if:

  • You are still receiving treatment and do not yet have a clear understanding of your full medical needs;
  • You have not determined your weekly disability benefit rate (rather than relying on your employer (or its insurance company) to calculate your benefits for you); and/or,
  • You have not consulted with an attorney to make sure it is in your best interests to accept a workers’ compensation settlement.

On the other hand, if you have recovered as much as you are going to recover (or if you have a clear understanding of your path to recovery), and if you have consulted with an attorney to make sure you know how much you are entitled to receive in disability, then it might make sense to ask your attorney to enter into negotiations on your behalf. But, even then, you will need to consider the potential tax implications, your eligibility for Social Security disability (SSD) and other benefits, and various other factors before deciding whether to accept a settlement.

How Do You Negotiate a Fair Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

Let’s say it is in your best interests to settle your workers’ compensation claim. How do you negotiate?

Theoretically, workers’ compensation settlement negotiations should be fairly straightforward. If you know how much you are entitled to receive and for how long, then determining the value of your claim involves a simple math calculation.

Unfortunately, this isn’t how it works in real life. If you enter into settlement negotiations, your employer (or its insurance company) will take advantage and try to pay you as little as possible. Rather than simply paying what they owe, they will offer less (perhaps much less) hoping to entice you into a quick—but unfair—settlement.

With this in mind, negotiating effectively requires clear proof of the value of your claim. It also requires the ability to withstand and overcome these companies’ aggressive negotiation tactics. You need to know what your claim is worth, and you need to be prepared to say, “No,” even if there is money on the table.

As a practical matter, negotiating a fair workers’ compensation settlement requires legal representation. Many companies won’t even take your negotiation efforts seriously if you don’t have an attorney. On the other hand, hiring an attorney shows that you are serious, and hiring an experienced attorney is one of the best things you can do to improve your chances of obtaining a fair settlement.

Should You Wait to Seek a Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

Given everything we’ve discussed, you might be wondering if you should wait to seek a workers’ compensation settlement. Simply put, the answer could be, “Yes.” In many cases, it will make sense to delay settlement negotiations until you have had the opportunity to learn more about your situation.

With that said, you should not delay your workers’ compensation claim. While you technically have up to two years to file a claim in Wisconsin, the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) recommends filing your claim within 30 days, and it is in your best interests to file your claim as soon as possible. Not only does filing a claim start the process in motion, but it also helps avoid many of the issues that can lead to workers’ compensation denials.

Discuss Your Claim with a Madison Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Free

Were you injured on the job? Do you have questions about seeking a workers’ compensation settlement in Wisconsin? If so, we encourage you to contact us for more information. To discuss your claim with an experienced Madison workers’ compensation lawyer at Mays Law Office in confidence, call us at 608-257-0440 or request a free consultation online today.

The Nuts & Bolts for Injured Wisconsin Workers

The Nuts & Bolts for Injured Wisconsin Workers

In Wisconsin, physical and mental injures due to accidents or occupational exposure on the job/worksite are deemed workers compensation injuries entitled to benefits for lost time, payment of medical treatment, reimbursement for mileage, and potentially retraining or loss of earning capacity, with certain injuries, if the injury is so serious that it affects your ability to earn the same amount of wages.

Location of Work Injury

If the injury occurs at the workplace, even if the workplace is your house, will be considered a “work injury.”  If your job requires you to travel, and an injury occurs while travelling then that is also considered a “work injury,” unless you deviated from your work duties for a personal reason, such as stopping to get your haircut or shopping for your personal needs.  Work injuries that occur, even at you own fault, are generally also conserved a “work injury.”

Timing of Workers Compensation Benefits

If the workers compensation insurance company does not make payment of your benefit within 14 days of receiving notice of the injury, then they must notify you that they are still in the process of investigating your claim.  If the insurance company denies your claim, then they must inform you within 7 days of its decision.

Choice of Medical Treatment

The injured Wisconsin worker has the sole right to choose their own doctor.  If you want a second opinion, you must notify the workers compensation carrier of such.   In an emergency, the employer may arrange for your treatment until you are able to choose for yourself.  The insurance company does have the right to have you examined by a doctor of their choice which they will call an “Independent Medical Examiner.” however be forewarned these doctors are far from “independent” in their review of you.  These doctors are not hired or intended to provide you with any medical treatment.  They are hired by the insurance carrier with an eye toward denying your workers compensation injury claim.  Call Mays Law Office, Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays immediately if you are asked to see the insurance companies “independent medical examiner.”  She will prepare you for this meeting and give you suggestions on what to say/not say, how to present yourself, and how to document your visit with this doctor who is paid by the insurance company to see you.

When it comes to medical treatment, the injured worker has the right to every type of treatment which is reasonable and necessary to sure you.  Or prescribed by your doctor.  This includes clinic visits, tests & imaging, therapy, hospitalizations, and prescriptions.  Reimbursement for your travel/mileage to receive such treatment is also paid to you.  Keep receipts and provide such to the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim.

Lost Time Benefit Check (a/k/a TTD)

While you are in a healing phase, you will get a lost time check for 2/3 of you average weekly wage up to a determined maximum rate for the year of injury.  Its 2/3 because its tax free.  Payment is based on a 6-day work week, regardless of the number of days per week that you actually worked.   So, your daily payment is 1/6 of your weekly payment.  The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development can determine, if in doubt, that your benefit payment is accurate. Your first lost time disability (referred to as “TTD”) check should be paid to you within 14 days of your last worked due to the injury.    You can cash your check without any concern of waiving your legal rights.

Permanent Disability Check (a/k/a PPD)

Once you are healed, or deemed at a healing plateau by your doctor, permanent disability will be considered.  If your injury has resulted in a permanent disability, then you will receive a monthly check, often described as PPD.  This is not paid in a lump sum but over a period of weeks/months, depending on the location of your injury.  Each part of the body has a different number of weeks assigned.  For instance, if you doctor assesses 10% permanent disability to your shoulder, this is equal to 10% of 500 weeks or 50 weeks.  Very serious injuries like those injuries to the back or head are compensated differently if it involves future wage loss.  These types of complex injuries should always involve an attorney representing the injured worker.  Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays at Mays Law Office has handled many of these types of complex injury claims.

What To Do If Your Injury Claim Is Denied

If your claim is denied by the workers compensation carrier/handler then you can request a formal hearing with an administrative law judge at the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.  An application for hearing must be completed in order to get this process started.  Also necessary is medical proof in the form of a document called “Practitioner Report of Injury in Lieu of Testimony” should be completed properly by your treating physician, specialist or surgeon.  In this form, your medical provider will describe your diagnosis and prognosis and give an opinion as to whether he/she agrees that such injury is work-related.  These forms can be obtained on the State website at  You can represent yourself at a hearing however you choose to hire an attorney as often the paperwork gets complicated, confusing, and difficult to complete.   Moreover, injured workers often feel overwhelmed and intimidated having to communicate with the attorney representing the workers compensation carrier.  The playing field is equalized when each side has an attorney, who concentrates his/her practice in workers compensation.  Mays Law Office, Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays has been successfully representing and winning for Wisconsin injured workers for over 25 years.  She understands the workers compensation system and will pursue every single benefit for the injured worker.  Injured workers are relieved when they learn that they do not have to pay her anything upfront for her representation.  Attorney Pierobon Mays only gets paid when she gets money for injured worker.

Should I Settle My Workers Compensation Claim?

The injured worker is often enticed to settle their work injury claim by the workers compensation carrier with an offer of money.  No settlement should ever be reached until the injured worker has reached a full healing plateau where medical treatment has ended, or the future medical needs are fully understood and valued.  Settling a work injury claim too early can be disastrous for the injured workers as they may be giving up too much in compared to the amount offered.  After a claim is settled, it is very difficult to change it and you will not receive additional compensation beyond the amount of the compromise.

Contact Mays Law Office Before Settling Your Claim

A settlement should never be reached without, at least, talking to an attorney first.  Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays gets calls regularly from injured workers telling her that the workers compensation adjuster is offering them a monetary settlement.  Lisa will review your claim with you to understand what the potential value of your claim is and advise as to whether settlement now, versus later, is a good decision.  All of this can be done in a phone or in-office free consultation to (608)257-0440.  Never assume that the worker compensation carrier has your best interests in mind.  The injured worker often does not realize all the potential benefits that they are giving up with a settlement, and the insurance companies are as always trying to lessen their exposure which rarely matches up with what the injured worker needs.

Denied Workers Compensation in Wisconsin

Denied Workers Compensation in Wisconsin

Denied Workers Compensation?

In January 2022, an injured worker called Mays Law Office.  For privacy reasons let’s call this injured worker “J.C.”  J.C. visited our website Mays Law Office and saw that we offer free legal consultations with an attorney.  Immediately J.C. was connected to Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays.  J.C. proceeded to tell Lisa that she got hurt at work back in November 2020.  J.C. stated that she started her workday symptom-free but while working repetitively on a machine containing a diecast mold, she felt and heard a horrible popping sensation in her right shoulder while aggressively scrubbing the mold with her outstretched right arm.   Lisa listened to J.C.’s story and then started asking some poignant questions, like did she report the injury to her supervisor?  Did she seek timely medical treatment?  What medical treatment had she received, and what was the diagnosis and prognosis of her right shoulder injury according to her doctors?    

Pretty quickly Attorney Pierobon Mays could see that J.C. had done everything right in reporting the injury and seeking medical treatment that same day, yet still the workers compensation carrier was giving her the run-around as to accepting her claim for workers compensation benefits.  J.C.’s claim had been bounced around to three different insurance adjusters, questions by J.C. to adjusters were often left unanswered, referral for medical treatment, like an MRI was delayed pending slow approval by the workers compensation adjuster, and then only one day before her pre-scheduled right shoulder surgery in August 2021, approval for the rotator cuff surgery was delayed by the workers compensation insurance carrier demanding that she first see their doctor, termed an “Independent Medical Examiner.”  J.C. had been suffering with pain in her right shoulder for almost 9 months and now, one day before her much needed surgery, it was being delayed!  Regardless, J.C. complied, cancelled her surgery, and saw the insurance company’s doctor.  Despite repeated calls by J.C. to the insurance carrier, she never heard anything more from the insurance company for another 2 months.  Then in November 2021, J.C. got a letter stating that the workers compensation insurance carrier was denying all benefits for any care, treatment, or disability related to her right shoulder.  J.C. was dumb-founded and angry as a whole year of pain had gone by and a very needed surgery was not going to be covered.  Moreover, her sore right shoulder was taking a toll on the rest of her body, specifically her left arm because it was trying to accommodate for her weak, dominant, right arm.   

Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays heard enough and encouraged J.C. to come into Mays Law Office located in Middleton, Wisconsin.  An appointment was scheduled for the following day and J.C. was instructed to  bring all of her paperwork (correspondence, notes, medical notes) so that they could review it together and come up with a plan of attack.  The following day, J.C. met with Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays and it was quickly discovered that the delay and denial of medical treatment by the workers compensation insurance company was erroneous and likely made in bad faith, which in Wisconsin is filed as a penalty claim and can be worth up to $30,000.  In reviewing the insurance company’s doctor report, it was clear that he believed that the right shoulder surgery was necessary and related to the work that J.C. had done while working on the machine back in November 2020.  Attorney Pierobon Mays told J.C. that quick measures had to be taken to hold the workers compensation insurance carrier accountable and responsible.  The goal was to get the surgery back on the calendar as soon as possible; J.C. hired Lisa to move forward in her representation. 

Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays immediately filed the necessary paperwork, alerting the head judge for the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (termed “DWD”) that J.C.’s claim required special attention due to the alarmingly illegal decisions made by the workers compensation insurance carrier.  In turn, the State responded immediately by assigning the claim to an administrative law judge who within two days reviewed Attorney Pierobon Mays’ submissions and agreed that the denial was clearly erroneous.  The Judge ordered the insurance carrier to approve the surgery, based on their own doctor’s report that such surgery was reasonable, necessary, and related to the November 2020 work injury.  Fearing the repercussions of its error, the workers compensation insurance carrier quickly hired its own lawyer.  Yet, even the insurance company’s lawyer agreed with Attorney Pierobon Mays’ position that J.C.’s claim for benefits had been erroneously denied.  Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays diligently worked with opposing counsel to get J.C.’s worker compensation injury claim back on track.  Surgery is now scheduled for right shoulder to be done in a few weeks and lost-time benefits for missing work will be paid to J.C. without issue or delay from the day of surgery forward.  All medical treatment will also be paid by the workers compensation carrier.     

While it is a happy ending that J.C.’s claim is now being handled properly, consider the cost it took to get it there.  J.C. suffered ongoing pain, delayed medical treatment, personal and financial stress, a fatigued body overcompensating for an injured arm, and now attorney fees of 20% deducted from her lost-time benefits.  All of this needless suffering because the insurance company failed to treat J.C. fairly and legally according to the laws of Wisconsin.  This story is tragic but not uncommon.  Workers’ compensation injury claims are often not handled properly.  Insurance adjusters come and go causing files to be regularly transferred to a new claims adjuster; attention to detail and accuracy is often lost when adjusters are changed.  Moreover, insurance adjusters are many times downright rude, demeaning, and condescending to injured Wisconsin workers.  Injured workers are made to feel like they have done something wrong in simply filing a workers compensation claim.   The injured worker’s credibility and integrity is regularly questioned and assaulted by adjusters who make them feel like they are only money-seeking.  The penalty claim in Wisconsin for Bad Faith rarely gives the injured worker back what they have lost as the award (up to $30,000) is not guaranteed because it is based on many more complicated factors.

Mays Law Office is proud of the work it did for J.C. and takes on every call and claim with an eye toward an aggressive and effective approach to keep workers compensation insurance companies responsible and accountableIn sum, never assume you are being treated fairly by an insurance company.  Call Attorney Lisa Pierobon Mays today at 608)257-0440.