The median nerve goes through a passage in your wrist along the length of your arm until it ends at your hand. This nerve controls the movement and feeling in all your fingers and your thumb explains WebMD. It does not include the pinky.
Carpal tunnel syndrome causes
There are a few different causes for carpal tunnel syndrome, but one of the most common culprits happens to be repetitive motion at a job. For instance, if you work in an office and type all day or a grocery store where you move your wrist over and over, you are more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Another risk factor includes repetitive movements when your hands are positioned lower than your wrist.
Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms
If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you may experience burning, itching or tingling in your thumb, palm or middle and index fingers. When you move your fingers, you may also experience shock-like feelings and a tingling that moves up your arm.
One of the first signs happens to be numbness in your hand at night due to how you fall asleep. You may wake up to numbness that tingles in your hands and then runs to your shoulder. These symptoms may flare up throughout the day, especially if you hold your wrist bent.
As the symptoms worsen, your hands may become weaker, you may lose grip strength and experience pain or muscle cramps.