Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Glendale, WI
Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Glendale, WI
Workers Compensation Attorneys Protecting Injured Workers In Glendale, WI
You may file a claim for worker’s comp under your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance if you were injured on the job. It is tough to manage these situations and concerns without the assistance of an expert attorney. Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Glendale, WI, at Mays Law Office LLC for outstanding legal counsel in your pursuit of compensation benefits following a workplace injury.
If you or a loved one has sustained severe injuries in a work-related incident, you must take all necessary efforts to obtain medical care and financial compensation. No matter what type of workplace accident caused your injury, an experienced attorney can assist you during this difficult time.
Our attorneys are dedicated to preserving the legal rights of local workplace accident victims. We have the knowledge and resources to manage your present and future expenses. The attorneys for workers’ compensation will personally handle all parts of your claim, leaving you to focus on your recovery.
People Represented by Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Glendale, WI
Our business serves a wide variety of sectors and professions::
- Mechanics
- Physicians and nurses
- Meatpackers
- Electricians
- Plumbing professionals
- Line workers
- Building contractors
- Daycare providers
- Welding professionals
- Commercial drivers
- Carpentry workers
- Roofers
- Mechanics
- Physicians and nurses
- Meatpackers
- Electricians
- Plumbing professionals
- Line workers
- Building contractors
- Daycare providers
- Welding professionals
- Commercial drivers
- Carpentry workers
- Roofers
Skilled Workers’ Compensation Lawyers In Glendale, WI
On a regular basis, employees experience injuries that may result in worker’s compensation claims. Workplace accidents may result in serious to fatal injuries. Majority of such injuries are not severe, some victims may miss a few days of work as a result. However, some work-related injuries can have a significant influence on a person’s mental and physical capabilities in addition to their capacity to make a livelihood. When a person is injured at their workplace, workers’ compensation protection allows them to make a claim for particular damages or losses.
When to Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Glendale, WI
Please contact us in the following circumstances following a workplace accident:
- Your head, neck, or back has been injured no matter what the status of your workers’ compensation claim.
- Your employer or its workers’ compensation insurance carrier may request a recorded statement from you.
- You have been asked to perform an Independent Medical Evaluation through the mail.
- After experiencing a work-related accident, your employer terminates your employment or sends you on extended leave.
- The denial of your workers’ compensation claim is communicated through the mail.
- Your injury prevents you from resuming work due to permanent constraints.
Your injury at work has left you with permanent scars or other defects. You have been classified as having a permanent partial disability for which the worker’s compensation does not offer reparation.
If you are in this situation and want legal support, please call our office as soon as possible. Our workers’ compensation attorneys in Glendale, WI will do exhaustive research and analysis of your case before providing the highest quality legal representation available. For more details, please write to us at this email or call Mays Law Office for a consultation at 608-257-0440 and one of our experts will take the time to understand your case.
Whether you need a trusted, competent criminal defense lawyer to take your criminal or DUI to defend you or you need a knowledgeable workers compensation lawyer to handle your claim, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the compassion to find the right solution for you.