DUI Defense Attorney in Neenah, WI

DUI Defense Attorney in Neenah, WI

Our DUI Defense Attorneys in Neenah, WI, at Mays Law Office has observed that for many people, a DUI charge is their first experience with the state’s judicial system. If you have been accused of driving under the influence (DUI), you will discover how complex the procedure may be. It may be challenging to negotiate the laws around these allegations and exit with as few penalties or consequences as possible.

A conviction for OWI (or the related offense known as prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC)) could have severe and lasting consequences. In addition to penalties and jail time, DUI defendants risk license suspension, increased vehicle insurance rates, and trouble securing school admission or finding work. We have helped multiple clients with OWI and PAC-related issues and handled the matters competently. Our DUI Defense Attorneys in Neenah, WI, will defend your rights and safeguard your interests.

Why You Need Skilled DUI Defense Attorneys in Neenah, WI

Here are some fundamentals about DUI accusations in Wisconsin:

  • In Wisconsin, the terms prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC) and operating while intoxicated (OWI) is used to refer to offenses linked to drunk driving (OWI).
  • OWI is driving a motorized vehicle under the effects of alcohol, medications, or other stimulants.
  • Even if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is below the legal limit, you may be detained and prosecuted for driving while intoxicated. Many persons are falsely charged with DUI with low blood alcohol concentrations because they are ignorant of this reality.
  • However, if your blood alcohol concentration exceeds the allowable limits (0.08 for non-commercial drivers), you might be charged with OWI and PAC.
  • For OWI and PAC offenses, the punishment, jail term, and license suspension duration vary based on the accused’s prior convictions.
  • These suspension durations differ from the administrative license suspension, which follows an arrest for DUI.

The additional fines for driving while intoxicated might lead to harsher penalties. The fifth and later OWI offenses are felonies with potential jail terms of many years. Those convicted of OWI or PAC may also be required to install ignition locks. It depends on a variety of factors and differs from instance to situation.

Expert DUI Defense Attorneys In Neenah, WI

If you do not seek a hearing within ten days of your conviction, your license will be suspended for six months. This suspension starts before the trial. Therefore you could lose your license even if you are never convicted of OWI or PAC. Nevertheless, just as there are a variety of defenses to DUI allegations, there are also a variety of defenses that we might utilize to protect your license, even during an administrative suspension hearing. If you tell us quickly, we can help you prevent having your license suspended automatically.

Our lawyers are skilled in these matters and will work hard to safeguard your interests. You may count on us to fight for your right to a fair trial, regardless of the accusations made against you. As mentioned earlier, you must contact us without delay for the best outcomes.

You can also drop us a line through this Contact Us form, and our team will contact you to schedule a consultation. You can contact the DUI Defense Attorneys in Neenah, WI, at Mays Law Office at 608-535-4719 and discuss your case details.


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