DUI Defense Attorney in Menomonee Falls, WI
DUI Defense Attorney in Menomonee Falls, WI
At Mays Law Office’s DUI Defense Attorneys in Menomonee Falls, WI, have assisted several clients in OWI and PAC matters. We can help you in defending your rights and protect your interests.
For many individuals, their first experience with the Wisconsin legal system is a DUI arrest. If you have been accused of driving while intoxicated (DUI), you will immediately discover that the odds are stacked against you. It can be incredibly challenging to tackle the legalities of these charges and come out with the least possible penalties or repercussions.
A conviction for OWI (or the associated offense known as banned alcohol concentration (PAC)) could have severe and lasting repercussions. In addition to fines and jail time, suspected DUI offenders face several other consequences, including license suspension, higher auto insurance premiums, and difficulty gaining admission to school or obtaining employment.
Why You Need Skilled DUI Defense Attorneys in Menomonee Falls, WI
Here are some facts regarding Wisconsin DUI charges:
- While most jurisdictions use the terms driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), Wisconsin has two felonies connected to drunk driving- prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC) and operating while intoxicated (OWI).
- OWI entails operating a motor vehicle while drugged, intoxicated, or under the influence of another intoxicating substance.
- While most OWI accusations include a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit, it is common to be caught and charged with OWI even if your BAC is below the limit. Many people are unaware of this and face DUI charges even without high alcohol levels in their blood.
- However, if the BAC is above the permissible level (0.08 for all non-commercial drivers), you may be charged with OWI and PAC.
- The possible penalties, a prison term, and period of license revocation for OWI and PAC crimes vary based on the number of prior convictions a person has.
- Note, however, that these license suspension durations are in addition to the administrative license revocation that occurs automatically upon a DUI arrest.
- Additional convictions for driving under the influence continue to incur more severe consequences. Fifth and successive OWI crimes are felonies with a potential prison sentence of many years. In addition, those charged with OWI or PAC might be required to install ignition lock devices on their automobiles. It depends on various aspects and can change from case to case.
Expert DUI Defense Lawyers in Menomonee Falls, WI
If you do not seek a hearing within ten days of your detention, your license will be suspended for six months. This suspension begins before the trial, so you may lose your license despite never being found guilty of OWI or PAC. However, just as there are various defenses to DUI charges, there are also several defenses that we may raise to safeguard your license during the administrative suspension hearing. If you notify us as promptly as possible, we can assist you in preventing the automatic suspension of your license.
You can also drop us a line through this Contact Us form, and our team will contact you to schedule a consultation. You can call skilled and experienced DUI Defense Attorneys in Menomonee Falls, WI, at Mays Law Office at 608-535-4719 and discuss your case details. We have significant experience in the field, and our team is here to help with every aspect of your case.
Whether you need a trusted, competent criminal defense lawyer to take your criminal or DUI to defend you or you need a knowledgeable workers compensation lawyer to handle your claim, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the compassion to find the right solution for you.