Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Eau Claire, WI

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Eau Claire, WI

Protecting Injured Workers In Eau Claire, & Across Wisconsin

If you have been unwell or involved in an accident at work, Mays Law Office, LLC can help you obtain workers’ compensation payments. Lisa Pierobon Mays is a skilled and experienced attorney who has spent over two decades defending clients in similar situations. She excels at securing fair compensation for workers who can legally file claims for, among other things, medical expenses and loss of wages, therapy, physical impairment, and retraining.

Our team understands how difficult and time-consuming this journey can be for you and your relatives. As a result, we place a higher value on fostering a friendly, empathetic culture at our law office, so you feel at ease working with us. We act in your best interests, going to great lengths to make sure you get the maximum possible compensation.

Clients For Whom We Provide Legal Services

 We represent residents of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, who work in a wide range of industries and occupations, including the following:
  • Roofers
  • Mechanics
  • Carpenters
  • Commercial drivers
  • Daycare providers
  • Electricians
  • Nurses and doctors
  • Plumbers
  • Welders
  • Meatpackers
  • Lineworkers
  • Contractors
  • Mechanics
  • Electricians
  • Daycare providers Commercial drivers
  • Lineworkers
  • Daycare providers
  • Nurses and doctors
  • Carpenters
  • Plumbers
  • Welders
  • Meatpackers
  • Roofers
  • Contractors

Workers’ Compensation Law Firm in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

If you are injured on the job, our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys will provide personalized assistance, working directly with you until your matter is resolved. Some of the ways our lawyer’s knowledge in the field can help you are as follows:

    • Keep Accurate Documentation of Your Injuries– Keeping accurate records is vital for building a strong workers’ compensation claim. We work with your doctor to help ensure that the health information they provide is comprehensive and includes details about your health issues and injuries. Furthermore, our skilled lawyer in Eau Claire, WI, will assist you in keeping all other official documents needed to build your workers’ compensation lawsuit.

    • File a Benefits Claim– The very first step in filing a claim is notifying your employer of your illness/injury. They will give you the paperwork you need to complete the workers’ compensation application form. Our experts will assist you in meticulously completing the paperwork, thereby reinforcing your claim, increasing your chances of receiving the compensation you seek.

    • Benefits Reconsideration– In some cases, the initial worker’s compensation complaint is denied for several reasons. Our experienced Eau Claire, Wisconsin attorney, will properly examine all accessible evidence to determine why this happened. They will work hard and quickly on your behalf to obtain a favorable settlement.


Have You Been Injured While Working Remotely During COVID?


Your house is where you can always feel comfortable. Despite this, you may sometimes suffer an injury while working from home. Nevertheless, you may be qualified for workers’ compensation and receive reimbursement for medical expenses and lost time. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may also get disability pay.

If you are injured on the job, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation, including injuries sustained from trip and fall accidents. Even if you were injured while working remotely, contact us to speak with one of our highly skilled attorneys about your legal rights.

Our Eau Claire, WI workers’ compensation lawyer team is ready to defend your legal rights aggressively and assist you in obtaining the workers’ compensation you require. You can also schedule a consultation at Mays Law Office by calling at 608-257-0440 or send our Eau Claire, WI, office an email, and we will call you back.

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Whether you need a trusted, competent criminal defense lawyer to take your criminal or DUI to defend you or you need a knowledgeable workers compensation lawyer to handle your claim, we have the experience, the knowledge, and the compassion to find the right solution for you.